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We’ve developed our comprehensive Seed to Table garden-based education program at the 24th Street School that includes monthly, standards-based lessons that focus on a unique subject in each K-5 year. Classes come into the garden twice a month – once for gardening and once for cooking. During garden class, students participate in grade-specific lessons that focus on teacher-stated curricular goals.They also tend to the garden, including planting, weeding, watering, and whatever else needs doing, using these activities as leadership training and team-building exercises.

In cooking class, students harvest the food they’ve planted and prepare it, again focusing on age-appropriate cooking and nutritional themes. Our lessons are standards-based, and designed to foster children’s innate sense of curiosity and free play, incorporating science, math, literacy social studies and nutrition for every student at the 24th Street Elementary School. Additionally, students are welcome to come in to the garden during recess to play, explore, relax, or however they choose to pass the time.